We can be reached via email at Feministedition@gmail.com

If you have suggestions for a show or would like to participate let us know at feministedition@gmail.com


Jaclyn Friedman / W A M.... Sept. 25th 2009....... 9 AM on 91.5 FM

 Jaclyn Friedman is a writer, performer and activist, and
the editor of the brand-new book,
Yes Means Yes: Visions of Female Sexual Power
and a World Without ...RAPE

1 comment:

Feminist Edition said...

Jaclyn was one of the best guests I've ever interviewed. She is not only personable, she knows what she is talking about and communicates it with great clarity. I was thrilled to have her on board. Tech. bit me and I am also responsible for Jaclyn not being heard by the listening audience. I apologize to Jaclyn and the audience I disappointed.. It won't happen again.